Condition & Energy Monitoring

Advising and managing on all aspects of the utility requirements from design through to completion.

Building services play a vital role in delivering comfort whilst minimising the energy and carbon footprint of buildings. Utilising our experience and expertise with the latest and best technology available, we can effectively implement energy demand reduction projects by identifying big-win energy losses and reducing operating costs.

Using modern testing equipment and reporting provides us the means to to monitor how productive plant and energy systems are performing and the expertise to identify where and how problems will develop, enabling us to deliver targeted services that achieve our customers’ expectations.

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Building Condition Surveys

We carry out thorough building inspections which form the basis of producing a comprehensive report which provides clients with a detailed analysis on the condition of the building, which includes identifying any major defects and areas of future expenditure that the building is likely to encounter.

Asset Registers

Asset registers are an essential tool for preplanning maintenance operations so that all plant is maintained to the highest of standards. By providing a clear structured approach, we help clients manage their building assets through reviewing systems, reporting and outlining repairs to help you manage plant lifecycles and guarantee good indoor air quality.

Energy & Carbon Reporting

In a bid to streamline corporate reporting on climate, the government are requiring businesses to publicly report on their energy use and carbon emissions. We can identify your reporting needs to help reduce energy expenditure and develop a highly effective energy saving strategy.

commercial building ventilation

Ensure the optimum balance between legislation, environmental requirements, and cost.

Our expertise span across all aspects of conditioning and energy monitoring, meaning we know how to provide you with the best service and optimisation of key considerations. From the Carbon Reduction Commitment and Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS), we can ensure you are complying with government legislation and not breaking the bank.

We don’t stop at the planning and implantation stage in condition and energy monitoring; we also provide a maintenance audit report service to ensure your building / plant are continuing to optimise in energy and cost. This also incorporates risk analysis to identify any foreseeable risks before any damage is caused.





Optimise your buildings energy footprint by contacting us today

Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) Member Logo
UKAS Personnel Certification
Institute Of Mechanical Engineers Badge
RICS SKA rating
CIBSE Low Carbon Consultant
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Certification